Place Objects Anywhere mod V1.2 FS19

Place Objects Anywhere mod V1.2 FS19
This mod lets you place buildings anywhere in your land, including within other buildings.
Download the latest version FS22 Place Anywhere mod
Place the downloaded zip in your Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator19/mods folder
Launch the game and enable the mod in the mission start screen
You can change the cost of terrain modifications by opening PlaceAnywhere.lua in the mod’s zip file and changing the value of
PlacementScreenController.DISPLACEMENT_COST_PER_M3 = 1; — Edit this to change the terrain modification cost per cubic meter (game default: 50)
I’ve tested this mod and didn’t notice any side effects, however it might still cause issues as it removes some game checks.
1.1: Fixed bug when buying vehicles
1.0: Initial release
this mode doesn’t appear in the mod files in the game so try reviewing it again
Game didint see that mod ,chnge – for _ whyt name if yopu can
fixed. thank you 😉
na parer nul par ?
You have to unzip the file and select the OS Folder you like, Windows or MAC and then zip the files. NOT the Folder.:D
You can place things around your map..but you can not buy the things you are trying to place.the light green when you can place it but the game says you can not buy it so therefore you are not allowed to place it
This mod is not showing up on the mission screen but is in in my FS19 mod folder….Do I have to unzip the file first or what?
I tried that and still couldn’t get it to work.
To Psychogold You must unzip and then open the FS19PlaceAnywhere_master folder and then zip the files in the folder too a new zip file and Rember __MACOSX shall not be zipped
That did the trick…..I appreciate it, Thanks!
do not work
10/10 thanks
It does not work, now that already the ground can be when I put something disappears either House or silos.
i cant get it to work??
mod doesnt work. doesnt show in the mods list and even if you do extract it and rezip the needed files, it still doesnt work.
it does
i tried with the original file, rezipping it, following the instructions in the comment up above, none of them worked
dont work, 01/7/2019
If there is a mod in all that link crap, I can not find it.
So I will call this as just advertisment crap.
Completely useless as I could not actually get any mod, just page after page after page of adds and add requests with no actual real dwnload.
How can you not see it? I Can read clearly where it says DOWNLOAD MOD and maybe try google…
Will not upload to dedi server. Is not recognized as FS19 mod
Same issue, need it for dedicated server
Great mod, you can’t see it on the list of mods, but it works. It doesn’t start up, you just put new objects close to each other, even you can combine them.
Mod works for me in muliplayer. You have to unzip it first, separate files from folder and rezip the files only. I like the reduced landscaping cost, is there a way to make lansdcape painting cheaper?
THIS IS THE ANSWER PEOPLE. FOLLOW THIS GREAT MAN’S INSTRUCTIONS TO VICTORY. Seriously though, this way works. unzip it, get to the 4 files, highlight them all, right click, “send to >” “compressed (zip)” . it will probably name it “moddesc”. just leave it and put it in your fs19>mods folder! enjoy
Will it be coming to console?
as people have said above. I cannot get this mod to work. I have tried unzipping and still no joy 25/05/19
Make sure you save the new archive as a .zip since fs19 doesn’t read .rar
Now this is the right way to do it NOT RAR but ZIP and WORKS! 🙂
MOD is not MP server compatible. Reads as a FS17 MOD.